
Introducing Micro Loan

At some point in your life, you might require capital for bigger plans. It can be anything from a wedding, or to build a new house, or an abroad trip. A bounty of money is needed to fulfil such dreams. If you are also someone who has a bucket list and needs money to fulfil it, you need to get a Individual Loan. Individual Loan can help in various urgent and challenging circumstances. When you get a Individual Loan you will get yourself a friend to be by your side in difficult times. Reimbursing your loan is also very easy and convenient.

We strive to support you in all your endeavours. Whether you are looking to renovate your house or expand your business, we offer you Individual Loans - ranging from ₹51,000 to ₹2,00,000 - to meet all your financial needs. These are purpose-based loans, which are given to individuals without any group guarantee.

Based on your need, you can choose an option from the following products:

  • Individual Business Loan (IBL).
  • Individual Livestock Loan (ILL).
  • Home Improvement Loan (HIL).
  • Individual Agriculture Loan (IAL).
  • Individual Bazaar Loan (IBZL).
  • Open Market Livestock Loan (OMLL).
  • Open Market Home Improvement Loan (OMHIL).

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